“When care is this important, the right fit matters”
Currie Medical Specialties has created the first FDA cleared garments specifically designed to fit pediatric patients for pneumatic compression in order to prevent VTE.
There has been a significant increase of VTE in pediatric tertiary care centers over the past decade.1
Thromboembolic events have historically been considered an adult phenomenon. However, the reporting of events in children and neonates has been increasing because of improved diagnosis and care of children.2
Numerous Children’s Hospitals have developed risk assessments to identify risk factors in pediatric patients and provide the proper treatment. The literature also demonstrates that most children (90%) had at least 1 associated risk factor and approximately 51% had 2 or more associated risk factors.2
One or more risk factors combined with altered mobility designates a moderate or high risk level, with the suggested treatment being mechanical prophylaxis.3
- Central venous catheter
- Trauma
- Surgery greater than one hour
- Obesity
- Altered mobility/immobility
- History of VTE
- Family history of thrombophilia
- Acute, chronic and inflammatory conditions
ALP 1P & 1PS pictured above with children's animal print.
Garment Application
Remove the ALP garments from the packaging. All ALP garments are universal in size and will fit either limb. For garment application, follow the instructions printed on the product insert that accompanies the garments.