ALP 521
The ALP® 521 Pump continues the ALP tradition of being considered the quietest, most durable and reliable pump available on the market.
The ALP® System is the only IPC product with a single pump operating at one pressure setting for all garment modalities (calf, thigh, and foot)
The ALP® System also provides the most clinically proven and patient/nursing compliant intermittent pneumatic compression product on the market with the trademarked Uninterrupted, Continuous Sequential Fill™ creating our additionally trademarked Rapid, Wavelike Compression Cycle™.
• Smaller streamlined case
• No preventive maintenance required
• IPX3 rating for cleaning
• High and low pressure alarms
• 12.5 foot easily replaceable external electrical cord with built-in strain relief
• Module design for ease of repair
• Rounded and smooth gradual radius corners for ease of cleaning
• Hi- tech plastic case for durability
• Total weight = 6.5 pounds
• Indestructible brass elbows for tube connection
• Tubing and electrical cord wrap around perimeter of pump for easy storage
• Tubing strap is cleanable and can be decontaminated
• Flat top design allows for stacking in storage room
• Durable fold away bed hooks fits all beds on the market
• Protective bumper and handle for carrying multiple pumps
• LCD patient hour meter. Reset by depressing tactile button for 3 seconds
• Total Operational hour meter to track total device operation hours for biomed
• Single limb option is automatic after disconnection of tube from pump
• NFC tag under top label for immediate access to CMS website with Android phone
• QR code on top label for immediate access to CMS website with iPhone or Android
CLICK HERE to view the ALP 521 informational video.